How to draw a text in the Github contribution grid?


In the previous post I demonstrated how to make the Github contribution grid completely green automatically with a bash script. Many in the comments asked me to make another version that would draw text on the Grid. I have been working on the script and the 1st version is finished.

I decided to create a public repository github-banner in order to receive help from other developers who want to collaborate with this project, there is still a lot I would like to add:

  • Support for various fonts.
  • Batch (.bat) version for easy use by Windows users.
  • Support for blank spaces.
  • Support for long texts and thus achieve that as the weeks go by it will be displayed as if it were an LED screen.
  • Support for emoticons.
  • Many more...

I tried to make it as simple as possible so that anyone could use it. Here is a short guide:


1 - Make a fork of github-banner:

Click on the link above and in that repository click on the Fork button.

2 - Clone the repository:

Click on the "Code" button and copy the url provided by Github. You must take into account the authentication method you use (HTTPS or SSH).

Go to the directory where you want to clone the repository, open a terminal and run the following command:

git clone <url>

3 - Run the script

Enter the directory that was created with the name of your repository and open a terminal where you must execute the following command:

bash <capitalized text less than 8 letters in length> <number of weeks to paint before the first letter>


bash HELLO 5

4 - Upload the changes to your fork:

In the same terminal do a push with the following command:

git push

5 - Update your profile github page.

6 - Enjoy it...



Technology moves fast, so what is true today, will be false soon enough. What is described here is valid by October 2021. I am using Bash 5.0.3(1)-release.
