
How to draw a text in the Github contribution grid?

    In the previous post I demonstrated how to make the Github contribution grid completely green automatically with a bash script. Many in the comments asked me to make another version that would draw text on the Grid. I have been working on the script and the 1st version is finished. I decided to create a public repository github-banner in order to receive help from other developers who want to collaborate with this project, there is still a lot I would like to add: Support for various fonts. Batch (.bat) version for easy use by Windows users. Support for blank spaces. Support for long texts and thus achieve that as the weeks go by it will be displayed as if it were an LED screen. Support for emoticons. Many more... I tried to make it as simple as possible so that anyone could use it. Here is a short guide:   1 - Make a fork of github-banner : Click on the link above and in that repository click on the Fork button. 2 - Clone the repository: Click on the "Code" button ...

How did I make the contribution graph in my Github account completely green?

Since I started using LinkedIn often about 1 year ago, I have seen celebration posts from programmers having completed a whole year of daily contributions on Github. All of them displayed a picture of the previous year's contribution grid completely green (like mine shown above). They impressed me and I have shown them my support and admiration for their perseverance and hard work. It even crossed my mind the idea of trying it myself, but I never did it since I have a lot of work (with several commits per day in private repositories). The few hours I have left, I spend it with my beautiful family. It's not an excuse, I would like to contribute more to the open source community when I get a regular 8 hours a day job. Yesterday I thought a bit about people’s motivation to do such things. I think some of them just do it to impress, rather than to contribute or learn. Perhaps someone can do a completely irrelevant commit every day for a year to achieve their goal t...

How to build REST API fast with almost no knowledge of vert.x and without plumbing code

For a year and a half I have been working mainly developing REST APIs with different functionalities using Vert.x with Java. As you can imagine, every time I started a new project I did not re-code everything from scratch, but instead took advantage of previous projects and the know-how obtained and began to copy-paste a lot of code to be able to focus on the business logic. This process, although faster than reinventing the wheel, was slow and somewhat complicated. For this reason I decided to develop a project that I could clone every time I had to develop another REST API. The result was ssv-api   (Starter Single Verticle API) ssv-api is a REST API project template based in vert.x framework ready to deploy with lots of plumbing code, examples, use cases and documentation to quickly develope an API with almost no knowledge of vert.x and without any waste of time. During its development I realized that it could serve many people who are in my situation and others such as: - D...