How to build REST API fast with almost no knowledge of vert.x and without plumbing code
For a year and a half I have been working mainly developing REST APIs with different functionalities using Vert.x with Java. As you can imagine, every time I started a new project I did not re-code everything from scratch, but instead took advantage of previous projects and the know-how obtained and began to copy-paste a lot of code to be able to focus on the business logic. This process, although faster than reinventing the wheel, was slow and somewhat complicated. For this reason I decided to develop a project that I could clone every time I had to develop another REST API. The result was ssv-api (Starter Single Verticle API) ssv-api is a REST API project template based in vert.x framework ready to deploy with lots of plumbing code, examples, use cases and documentation to quickly develope an API with almost no knowledge of vert.x and without any waste of time. During its development I realized that it could serve many people who are in my situation and others such as: - D...